Now, more than ever, the App Store includes demos of paid apps which folks can download and decide whether the program is worth the buy
Some developers learned the hard way that pricing an app too high, or just slapping a price onto an app that does almost nothing will not pave the way to success. In contrast, others learned coding the hard way, and the benefits of their strivings were enough and some to spare. Some of those successful iPhone developers are the ones who decided to offer up a free version of their app, thus maximizing their chances of having folks like it and eventually buy the full set of features.
We've just finished covering Ethan Nicholas' success story, and decided to check up on everyone's favorite iPhone app tracker (Apptism) to see exactly how many free apps are there in the App Store at the moment. Not surprisingly, there are currently well over 5,000 freeware programs to download onto an iPhone or iPod touch, according to the tracker. Most of them, though, are actually Free, or Lite versions of paid apps and games. But, as the developer of iShoot has proven, a Free / Lite version of an app can make all the difference in the world.
So, where did this Lite initiative stem come from? Well, developers have long complained about the rating / reviewing system in the App Store. Moreover, while new apps were making their way onto the venue, older applications receiving mere updates were climbing onto a much better position, for one reason or another, preventing the new titles from being displayed for a fair amount of time. Some devs went as far as giving their apps strange names, just so the alphabetical system would push their apps in line.
Read the whole article @ Softpedia

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