Monday, March 23, 2009

Two-way Video Conferencing for the iPhone

in which we make the world’s first useful video phone

Update: Our demo won first place for Iron Coder Live this afternoon! Thanks for your votes everyone!

Update 2: We’ve added a link to source code at the bottom of the post. We also made a quick video demo in Starbucks today.
This weekend’s C-4 developer conference features “Iron Coder Live”, a contest in the same vein as MacHack. The event encourages conference attendees to develop creative “hacks”, written in within a short timeframe. This year’s theme, of course, is iPhone.

This was a great excuse to buy another iPhone, install the iPhone toolchain and waste some time! Before we knew it, the iCal told us it was Thursday and we were putting the finishing touches on iPhone video conferencing.

Camera? Oh really?

Obviously we had to do something with the iPhone’s camera. Doing crazy things with cameras is a full time job for us! Our contest entry captures video from the iPhone’s camera, compresses it, and sends it to a web server, where it’s relayed to another iPhone, and vice-versa, resulting in a nice two-way video conference. Need audio too? That’s not our department but simply make a phone call to the other person’s iPhone and put them on speaker phone. Then fire up our program and you’re in business. (Yes, the iPhone makes phone calls apparently.)

Read the whole article @ Mac Daddy World

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