Apple began to ease its restrictions on VoIP apps last fall when it approved a Vonage app. In October AT&T and Apple said that they would eventually be opening 3G data traffic to voice-over IP calls (initially approved apps like the Vonage app were crippled to only work over Wi-Fi connections). AT&T, which cut its investment its capital costs (network investment) last year basically said its reasoning for banning the traffic for so long was not to try to control customers, but rather to protect its network from being overwhelmed.
Now, the new iPad/iPhone SDK, whose launch coincided with that of the new Apple tablet, has at last made good on this promise, reportedly opening up VoIP over 3G. The company that broke the news, iCall, now has an updated app available that works with 3G.
ICall CEO Arlo Gilbert cheered the news, stating, "I applaud Apple's decision to allow iCall to extend its functionality beyond Wi-Fi and onto the 3G networks. This heralds a new era for VoIP applications on mobile platforms, especially for iCall and our free calling model. I hope that now more developers will begin using our VoIP as a platform to integrate VoIP into their applications."
[via Daily Tech]

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