1. Jailbreak your iPhone (follow our guide here). If you’re on an iPhone 3GS, I’d highly suggest purchasing 3G Unrestrictor to allow Skype to work over 3G.
If you’re using an iPhone 3G, just install VoIPOver3G via Cydia, and it will automatically hack Skype to work over 3G.
2. Turn off WiFi to test the 3G capability. Launch Skype, login. Now, go try to make a call and voila! Skype over the Rogers/Fido 3G network on your iPhone! The sound quality is amazing! Listen for yourself with the Skype Test Call.
3. Now with calling over 3G, you can subscribe to Skype and pay $3 for unlimited calling to Canada/USA! AND get Caller ID for Skype!
Enjoy making calls over 3G. Don’t worry, it won’t use up your 6GB data plan unless you’re talking for 24 hours straight non-stop. Skype has been one of my favourite apps now because of this little hack. Let me know how this works for you!
[via iPhone in Canada]

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