All we get from Apple is a poxy little USB cable, while Steve Jobs and Tim Cook sit on a mountain of sweet-smelling cash, rubbing coins on their faces and smoking roll-ups made from £20 notes that they lit with a £5 note - all because we went out and bought a dock for our iPhone that should have had one included in the box!
Where was I? Oh yes - picking my iPhone up off the floor.
But no longer. I decided to learn by Apple's thrifty example and made my own iPhone stand from recycled cardboard.
That's right, Cook! How do you like them... Apples. Hmm, he probably likes them quite a lot. Not the best sting I've ever administered to The Man, but you get the point.
Apple's got enough of your money, dear punter, so Pocket Gamer's here to save you a few quid and show you how to make your own iPhone/iPod touch stand.
Read the whole article @ Pocket Gamer

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